

Analisis Internal : Untuk Menentukan Strength dan Weakness

Komponen Analisa Internal. Penganalisisan internal organisasi perusahaan membutuhkan aktivitas pengevaluasian portofolio sumber daya perusahaan dan sekumpulan sumber daya yang heterogen serta kapabilitas manajer yang dapat dibentuk. Dengan perspektif ini akan terdapat beberapa perusahaan yang mempunyai sumber daya dan kapabilitas yang tidak dapat dimiliki oleh perusahaan lain. Apabila perusahaan menghadapi keadaan seperti ini, maka akan dapat mendorong terbentuknya kapabilitas yang dapat mengembangkan kompetensi inti atau keunggulan bersaing perusahaan. (Sofjan Assauri, 2013, p. 47) . Analisi internal perusahaan terdiri dari :. 1. Analisis sumber daya stratejik. 2. Analisis kapabilitas. 3. Analisis kompetensi inti / Analisis model VRINE. 4. Analisis rantai nilai. 1. Analisa Sumber Daya Stratejik. Sumber-sumber daya stratejik dari suatu organisasi terdiri dari aset fisik, posisi keuangan relatif, posisi pangsa pasar dan merek. Di samping itu, sum

Grand Strategies (Master Strategies)

Corporate Grand Strategies is called the Master Strategies or Grand Strategies that provide a fundamental direction for strategic action. The basic strategy of the parent becomes the basis for coordinating efforts and at the same time to maintain the direction for achieving the long-term goals of the company. There are 14 (fourteen) basic master strategies that can be selected as a basic approach to achieving that goal. The fourteen strategies are as follows:. Market Development Strategy. Product Development Strategy. Innovation Strategy. Concentrated Growth Strategy. Growth Strategy Horizontal Integration. Vertical Integration Growth Strategy. Concentrated Diversification Strategy. Conglomeration Diversification Strategy. Turnaround Strategy. Divestment Strategy. Liquidation Strategy. Bankruptcy Strategy. Joint Venture Strategy. Strategic Alliance Strategies.

Competitive Advantages

According to Prof. Dr. Sofjan Assauri, MBA achievement of company goals and objectives is measured the amount of corporate profits, the level of profit to the company's investment capital and market share proportion. Successful achievement of the company is possible only if the company has a competitive advantage. value chain porter. A new company can have a competitive advantage when it succeeds in designing and implementing value creation strategies. Building competitive advantage must be done quickly and sustainably, by strategizing and implementing it. This can be done with appropriate analytical activities, starting with identification, strengthening the organization and enhancing strategic leadership skills, especially in the top and middle management levels of the company. Therefore, in order to build competitive advantage, a company needs to make strategic understanding and strategic management roles in enhancing sustainable competitive advantage.