
Pengertian Segmentasi Pasar (Market Segmentation) Beserta Kajian Pustaka

Market segmentation atau segmentasi pasar adalah mengsegmentasikan pasar menjadi beberapa bagian berdasarkan karakteristik pasar, lingkungan pasar berada dan wilayah pasar berada.

Dengan melakukan segmentasi pasar maka perusahaan dapat mengetahui kriteria produk yang sesuai dengan kondisi pasar dan juga strategi promosi yang harus diterapkan untuk memaksimalkan penjualan.

Market segmentation atau segmentasi pasar secara umum dibagi menjadi empat yaitu geographic segmentation (segmentasi geografi), demographic segmentation (segmentasi demografi), psychographic segmentation (segmentasi psikografi) dan behavioral segmentation (segmentasi perilaku).

Geographic segmentation (segmentasi geografis) secara keilmuan merupakan bagian dari market segmentation atau segmentasi pasar.

Segmentasi geografis membagi pasar berdasarkan benua, regional, wilayah, negara, provinsi, kota dan lingkungan sekitar secara geografis.

Pasar asia, pasar afrika, pasar eropa, pegunungan, perkotaan, kepulauan atau pantai pada dasarnya memiliki perbedaan karakteristik georgrafis sehingga memerlukan strategi yang berbeda untuk melakukan promosi dan pemasaran.

Demographic segmentation (segmentasi demografis) masih bagian dari market segmentation atau segmentasi pasar.

Segmentasi demografis membagi pasar dilihat dari dinamika kependudukan di suatu daerah meliputi ukuran penduduk (jumlah), struktur kependudukan dan distribusi kependudukan.

Segmentasi demografis diketahui berdasarkan data-data jenis kelamin, ras, suku, agama, usia produktif, sebaran usia, piramida penduduk dan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kependudukan di suatu daerah.

Psychographic segmentation (segmentasi psikografis) membagi pasar berdasarkan sudut pandang karakteristik psikologis pasar, ciri-ciri kepribadian konsumen, nilai-nilai, sikap, minat, dan gaya hidup.

Orang-orang memiliki minat, sikap, dan sifat yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh, beberapa orang sangat peduli dengan lingkungan, sementara yang lain tidak. Beberapa orang sangat sadar akan kebugaran dan kesehatan sedangkan yang lainnya adalah pecinta kuliner.

Beberapa orang melakukan olahraga dengan sangat serius, sementara beberapa hanya ingin bersenang-senang di akhir pekan.

Segmentasi psikografi dilakukan untuk mengetahui lebih dalam kondisi pasar setelah dilakukan segmentasi demografis dan geografis. Segmentasi psikografi dapat mengetahui life style suatu daerah dan waktu tertentu.

Behavioral segmentation (segmentasi perilaku) membagi pasar berdasarkan latar belakang perilaku suatu pasar dalam melakukan pembelian produk atau jasa.

Apakah karena keiinginan sendiri? Apakah karena kebutuhan? Apakah pembeli merupakan seorang pemutus untuk membeli produk tersebut atau ada pihak lain yang mempengaruhi?.

Data segmentasi perilaku akan mempertajam informasi yang didapatkan mengenai pasar.


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Kajian Pustaka

Kajian Pustaka dan Rangkuman Segmenting Menurut Buku Philip Kotler 15th Global Edition Beserta Referensi Kutipan

Keterangan buku:
Judul Buku : Marketing Management 15th Global Edition
Pengarang : Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Penerbit : Pearson Education, Inc
Lokasi : Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England
Tahun Terbit : 2016

Key Words:
Market Segmentation, Geographic Segmentation, Demographic Segmentation, Psychographic Segmentation dan Behavioral Segmentation

Market Segmentation

Market segmentation divides a market into well-defined slices. A market segment consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants. The marketer’s task is to identify the appropriate number and nature of market segments and decide which one(s) to target.(Kotler dan Keller, 2016:268)

We use two broad groups of variables to segment consumer markets. Some researchers define segments by looking at descriptive characteristics—geographic, demographic, and psychographic—and asking whether these segments exhibit different needs or product responses. For example, they might examine the differing attitudes of “professionals,” “blue collars,” and other groups toward, say, “safety” as a product benefit.(Kotler dan Keller, 2016:268)

Other researchers define segments by looking at behavioral considerations, such as consumer responses to benefits, usage occasions, or brands, then seeing whether different characteristics are associated with each consumerresponse segment. For example, do people who want “quality” rather than “low price” in an automobile differ in their geographic, demographic, and/or psychographic makeup? (Kotler dan Keller, 2016:268)

Regardless of which type of segmentation scheme we use, the key is adjusting the marketing program to recognize customer differences. The major segmentation variables—geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation—are summarized in Table 9.1. (Kotler dan Keller, 2016:268)

Geographic Segmentation

Geographic segmentation divides the market into geographical units such as nations, states, regions, counties, cities, or neighborhoods. The company can operate in one or a few areas, or it can operate in all but pay attention to local variations. In that way it can tailor marketing programs to the needs and wants of local customer groups in trading areas, neighborhoods, even individual stores. In a growing trend called grassroots marketing, such activities concentrate on getting as close and personally relevant to individual customers as possible.(Kotler dan Keller, 2016:268)

Much of Nike’s initial success came from engaging target consumers through grassroots marketing efforts such as sponsorship of local school teams, expertconducted clinics, and provision of shoes, clothing, and equipment to young athletes. Citibank provides different mixes of banking services in its branches depending on neighborhood demographics. Retail firms such as Starbucks, Costco, Trader Joe’s, and REI have all found great success emphasizing local marketing initiatives, and other types of firms have also jumped into the action. (Kotler dan Keller, 2016:268)

More and more, regional marketing means marketing right down to a specific zip code. Many companies use mapping software to pinpoint the geographic locations of their customers, learning, say, that most customers are within a 10-mile radius of the store and are further concentrated within certain zip+4 areas. By mapping the densest areas, the retailer can rely on customer cloning, assuming the best prospects live where most of the customers already come from. (Kotler dan Keller, 2016:268)

Some approaches combine geographic data with demographic data to yield even richer descriptions of consumers and neighborhoods. Nielsen Claritas has developed a geoclustering approach called PRIZM (Potential Rating Index by Zip Markets) NE that classifies more than half a million U.S. residential neighborhoods into 14 distinct groups and 66 distinct lifestyle segments called PRIZM Clusters.3 The groupings take into consideration 39 factors in five broad categories: (1) education and affluence, (2) family life cycle, (3) urbanization, (4) race and ethnicity, and (5) mobility. The neighborhoods are broken down by zip code, zip+4, or census tract and block group. The clusters have descriptive titles such as Blue Blood Estates, Winner’s Circle, Hometown Retired, Shotguns and Pickups, and Back Country Folks. The inhabitants in a cluster tend to lead similar lives, drive similar cars, have similar jobs, and read similar magazines. Table 9.2 has examples of three PRIZM clusters. (Kotler dan Keller, 2016:268)

Geoclustering captures the increasing diversity of the U.S. population. PRIZM has been used to answer questions such as: Which neighborhoods or zip codes contain our most valuable customers? How deeply have we already penetrated these segments? Which distribution channels and promotional media work best in reaching our target clusters in each area? Barnes & Nobles placed its stores where the “Money & Brains” segment hangs out. Hyundai successfully targeted a promotional campaign to neighborhoods where the “Kids & Cul-de-Sacs,” “Bohemian Mix,” and “Pool & Patios” could be found. (Kotler dan Keller, 2016:268)

Marketing to microsegments has become possible even for small organizations as database costs decline, software becomes easier to use, and data integration increases. Going online to reach customers directly can open a host of local opportunities, as Yelp has found out. (Kotler dan Keller, 2016:270)

Those who favor such localized marketing see national advertising as wasteful because it is too “arm’s length” and fails to address local needs. Those against local marketing argue that it drives up manufacturing and marketing costs by reducing economies of scale and magnifying logistical problems. A brand’s overall image might be diluted if the product and message are too different in different localities. (Kotler dan Keller, 2016:271)

Demographic Segmentation

One reason demographic variables such as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, nationality, and social class are so popular with marketers is that they’re often associated with consumer needs and wants. Another is that they’re easy to measure. Even when we describe the target market in nondemographic terms (say, by personality type), we may need the link back to demographic characteristics in order to estimate the size of the market and the media we should use to reach it efficiently. (Kotler dan Keller, 2016:271).

Psychographic Segmentation

Psychographics is the science of using psychology and demographics to better understand consumers. In psychographic segmentation, buyers are divided into groups on the basis of psychological/personality traits, lifestyle, or values. People within the same demographic group can exhibit very different psychographic profiles. (Kotler dan Keller, 2016:280).

One of the most popular commercially available classification systems based on psychographic measurements is Strategic Business Insight’s (SBI) VALS™ framework. VALS is based on psychological traits for people and classifies U.S. adults into eight primary groups based on responses to a questionnaire featuring four demographic and 35 attitudinal questions. The VALS system is continually updated with new data from more than 80,000 surveys per year (see Figure 9.1). You can find out which VALS type you are by going to the SBI Web site. (Kotler dan Keller, 2016:280).

The main dimensions of the VALS segmentation framework are consumer motivation (the horizontal dimension) and consumer resources (the vertical dimension). Consumers are inspired by one of three primary motivations: ideals, achievement, and self-expression. Those primarily motivated by ideals are guided by knowledge and principles. Those motivated by achievement look for products and services that demonstrate success to their peers. Consumers whose motivation is self-expression desire social or physical activity, variety, and risk. Personality traits such as energy, self-confidence, intellectualism, novelty seeking, innovativeness, impulsiveness, leadership, and vanity—in conjunction with key demographics—determine an individual’s resources. Different levels of resources enhance or constrain a person’s expression of his or her primary motivation.(Kotler dan Keller, 2016:280-281).

Figure 9.1
Figure 9.1

Behavioral Segmentation

Although psychographic segmentation can provide a richer understanding of consumers, some marketers fault it for being somewhat removed from actual consumer behavior. In behavioral segmentation, marketers divide buyers into groups on the basis of their knowledge of, attitude toward, use of, or response to a product. (Kotler dan Keller, 2016:281).

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