

Download Template Financial Modeling Project Financing Hotel

Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb. I as owner and creator this blog want to share template financial model (investment loan project financing model) for learning purpose about financial modeling, this model is about hotel development project financing for finance student, business student, economy student, economist, analyst, entrepreneur, investment bankers as source of learning about project financing modeling. This financial model is for learning purpose, to learn business simulation through modeling and calculate loan investment. This financial modeling or projection not for profit business purpose, I as creator did not take responsibility about wrong assumption lead to financial loss and anything about misused this financial model. Cases Study of financial modeling. 1. Project financing for hotel development. 2. Discount factor use investment loan interest, not use WACC formula. 3. Hotel development will be completed build at 2020. 4. Hotel will be operated in 2021. 5. Growth

Pengertian Earnings Per Share (EPS)

Earnings per share (EPS) adalah rasio kunci yang digunakan untuk menentukan porsi pendapatan pemegang saham biasa (common stock) dari laba perusahaan. Laba per saham mengukur alokasi laba setiap saham biasa dalam kaitannya dengan total laba perusahaan. Rumus EPS. 1. Kajian Pustaka Earnings Per Share. 1.1 Pengertian Earnings Per Share. "Corporations commonly measure profits in terms of earnings per share (EPS), which represent the amount earned during the period on behalf of each outstanding share of common stock. EPS are calculated by dividing the period’s total earnings available for the firm’s common stockholders by the number of shares of common stock outstanding." (Lawrence J. Gitman dan Chad J. Zutter, 9:2015). 1.2 Landasan Teori Earnings Per Share. "EPS represent the number of dollars earned during the period on behalf of each outstanding share of  common stock." (Lawrence J. Gitman dan Chad J. Zutter, 55:2015). 1.3 Penggunaan EPS Un

Pengertian Net Operating Profits After Taxes (NOPAT)

NOPAT adalah  Laba Operasional Bersih Setelah Pajak dan merupakan pendapatan teoritis perusahaan dari operasi jika tidak memiliki utang (tanpa beban bunga). NOPAT digunakan untuk mengetahui kinerja operasional secara riil dengan menghilangkan dampak struktur modal (pengaruh pinjaman dengan bunga) setelah dikurangi pajak. Dengan cara ini, lebih mudah untuk membandingkan dua perusahaan di industri yang sama dengan kondisi secara legal telah terpenuhi (pengurangan pajak), yakni satu perusahaan tanpa leverage dan yang lainnya dengan leverage signifikan. Yang dimaksud dengan leverage adalah dukungan dana untuk membantu bisnis dalam bentuk jangka panjang maupun pendek dengan timbal balik kewajiban pembayaran berupa bunga atau cost of debt. Rumus NOPAT. 1. Kajian Pustaka NOPAT. "The result is tax-effected EBIT, also known as EBIAT or NOPAT. This calculation involves multiplying EBIT by (1 – t), where “t” is the target’s marginal tax rate." (Joshua Rosenbaum dan Joshu